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The Innovative University

The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out by C.M. Christensen & H.J. Eyring

In the seemingly ever changing world in which universities in the developed world operate many are seeking to both understand the changes and to position their institution to maximise its potential and distinctiveness, deliver high class research and a high quality experience to students. Whilst these aspirations exist the cost of providing university education is increasing, and this is without taking into account the economic situation which is impacting internationally and the threat of increasing global competition. If not supplying the answer then The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out at least provides food for thought.

The book examines the Harvard model and reflects on the purpose of universities and how they have evolved particularly over the last 50 years. It reviews the impact of technology and what this will mean to the delivery of a higher education experience in the future. It suggests different delivery structures and methods, many of which have been reviewed by other authors in this field, but nevertheless these are assessed with new insight and a stimulating, often humorous, perspective.

For people who have read Christensen’s other work and are equally familiar with higher education and the challenges being faced, this book may be a little disappointing, but for anyone wanting to be challenged, to reflect and use it as a resource for discussion with colleagues, it offers a means of provoking conversations which may well generate innovative ideas for changing the DNA of Higher Education.

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